Este artigo tem como objetivo contribuir para a historiografia do futebol feminino pelotense e brasileiro. O recorte estabelecido foi o ano de 1950 e a cidade de Pelotas, RS. Mais especificamente, as equipes femininas do Vila Hilda F. C. e do Corinthians F. C. A metodologia utilizada foi a História Oral, feita a partir do cruzamento de fontes orais, escritas e imagéticas. A pesquisa mostrou que aquele futebol feminino já possuía características do esporte moderno (organização, treinos, competição) e que, justamente por isso, foi alvo de interdição do CND (Conselho Nacional de Desporto) que exigiu a sua suspensão, ajudando a fortalecer o discurso
de que mulher não combina com futebol.
Notes on women’s soccer in Pelotas, 1950: a genealogic study
Through the study presented here, we attempt to contribute to the historiography of women’s soccer in the city of Pelotas and in Brazil. Our study looks at Pelotas, city in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, during the year 1950, looking at two specific teams, Vila Hilda F. C. team and Corinthians F. C. We used an Oral History methodology that also included written
sources and images. Our research revealed that the female soccer had already adopted the characteristics of modern sport (organization, training, competition) and for this very reason was expelled by the CND (National Council of Sport), which in turned seved to strengthen the discourse claiming that “women and soccer don’t mix”.
de que mulher não combina com futebol.
Notes on women’s soccer in Pelotas, 1950: a genealogic study
Through the study presented here, we attempt to contribute to the historiography of women’s soccer in the city of Pelotas and in Brazil. Our study looks at Pelotas, city in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, during the year 1950, looking at two specific teams, Vila Hilda F. C. team and Corinthians F. C. We used an Oral History methodology that also included written
sources and images. Our research revealed that the female soccer had already adopted the characteristics of modern sport (organization, training, competition) and for this very reason was expelled by the CND (National Council of Sport), which in turned seved to strengthen the discourse claiming that “women and soccer don’t mix”.
- Não há apontamentos.
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