Sport, children and youth dispossessed: an analysis of NGO's how discursive event

Rubia-Mar Nunes Pinto, Cristina Borges de Oliveira


The paper presents of a study that sought to understand the NGOs as discursive event that imposes and puts into circulation a speech intended to be true about themselves, about sport and about children and young people living in Brazilian urban outskirts. Assuming that NGOs are political-economic strategy of social financialization and device of disciplining and government of individuals and populations, it has been carried out an analysis of what has been publicized in the sites of 9 organizations that focus their activities on offer sports activities for the juvenile public. The findings show that the NGOs give more emphasis to their own action than to children and young people who receive them; that the speeches about the sport are informed by political and discursive traditions that reinforce the value of this practice as a tool of discipline and control; e that poor children and young are approximate discursively to vagrancy, crime, indiscipline and disrespect to the rules.


NGOs; Childhood and youth; Sport; Speeches

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ISSN (Impresso) 0101-3289; ISSN (Eletrônico) 2179-3255
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